Drama Education
There are textbook-based drama classes in the three years of our junior secondary school curriculum, which focuses on fun and basic knowledge development. Students will experience the whole drama activities through playful theatre games. While participating in drama productions and performance, their sense of morality, values, positive thinking and various generic skills will also be developed, especially creativity and expression skills, which are essential in our society. In addition to the drama classes, there are also different drama interest groups, allowing students to experience “ACTIVE Education”.
Ref.: Curriculum Purpose
(1) To develop skills of drama for the performing arts and construct knowledge of drama
(2) To develop physical and sensory cognitive abilities in order to boost students’ agility and physical expression; to develop creativity, communication skills and expression skills through participation in theatre games and drama productions
(3) To cultivate proper values and attitude, build self-image, deepen self-awareness and the understanding of the relationship with others and the surrounding environment, to awaken self-consciousness and to reflect the relationship with others and the society.
(4) To nurture a lifelong interest in dramatic arts